
Showing posts from November, 2019

Job Application Writing: How to Nail Selection Criteria Applications

Often the most time-consuming and harrowing parts of job application  writing  is the process of developing responses to selection criteria.  Some resume writers even avoid applying for just where a statement addressing selection criteria is required.  However, employers use selection criteria to compare applicants by the same measures.   Key selection criteria for a job are usually spelled out in a list of qualities, knowledge and skills needed for the job.  In one way, this creates a more level playing field fo r job application writers.  Even s so, there are certain things you can do to make your responses stand out.  Here are out top tips: NUMBER 1:  STUDY THE SELECTI O N CRITERIA FIRST Job application writers   take some time to consider each selection criteria and consider what qualities and skills the prospective employer is looking for.  Making a bullet point list can be a helpful step.   NUMBER 2:  UNDERSTAND YOUR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYER Good job application w

Getting Ready for Grant Application Writing

So, you’re thinking about being a grant application writer?  Not so fast!  Before you launch out into the big bad world of grant writing  with all its possibilities and pitfalls, there are some things you need to have in order before a funding body will even look at you!  Good grant application writers have prepared for the journey before they launch out into the grant application writing ocean.  Here is how:    1.  Grant Application Writing: Make Sure You’re Eligible Many funding bodies only fund certain types of organisations.  For example, some grant applications are only for schools.  Some grant applicaitons are only for not-for-profit organisations.  If you are a grant application writer for a new charity for example, you will need to make sure that you have obtained your legal “not-for-profit” status.  Also, becoming a deductible gift recipient is another hoop you may wish to jump though.  The Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) has more inform

Standing Out From the Crowd With Tender Application Writing

All good tender writers  know that your tender application must stand out from the crowd. Competition for tenders has never been tougher. You can assume that every time you undertake a tender   writing  application, you are competing against multiple companies for the same job.  With assessors wading through dozens of tender applications, how can you make yours stand out?  Here are some tender writing tips to help your application stand out from the crowd:   TENDER WRITING APPLICATIONS: NUMBER 1:  OFFER THE BEST PRODUCT/SERVICE The best way to stand out in tender application writing is to offer a superior product or service.  In fact, people will often pay more for a better product or service.  So, when tender writing, ask yourself… what is the point of difference with what you are offering?  Is there something that you do or provide that other companies will not or cannot?  You must find what differentiates you, and then highlight it.   TENDER WRITING APPLICATIONS: NUMBE