Getting Ready for Grant Application Writing

So, you’re thinking about being a grant application writer?  Not so fast!  Before you launch out into the big bad world of grant writing with all its possibilities and pitfalls, there are some things you need to have in order before a funding body will even look at you!  Good grant application writers have prepared for the journey before they launch out into the grant application writing ocean.  Here is how:   

1. Grant Application Writing: Make Sure You’re Eligible
Many funding bodies only fund certain types of organisations.  For example, some grant applications are only for schools.  Some grant applicaitons are only for not-for-profit organisations.  If you are a grant application writer for a new charity for example, you will need to make sure that you have obtained your legal “not-for-profit” status.  Also, becoming a deductible gift recipient is another hoop you may wish to jump though.  The Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) has more information here:

2.  Grant Application Writing: Obtain a Financial Audit
Many grant applications require you to submit paperwork that verifies your organisation is financially viable and that your finances are in order and transparent.  This usually comes in the form of an audited financial statement.  You’ll need to see and accountant to get one!  

3. Grant Application Writing: Have a Clear Mission Statement
Grant writers always get asked to explain the purpose and mission of their organisation.  It is a common question on grant application forms.  Grant application writing is all about communicating this in a clear and compelling way.  Make sure you know what your organisation is all about before you start your grant writing journey.  

4. Grant Application Writing: Develop Partnerships & Community Support
Grant writers who can demonstrate they have the support of the local community are always viewed more favourably.  What have you done to make yourself known and visible in your community?  Also, if you can partner with other organisations, it may help your cause.  You will need to have good quality referees from within your community who will vouch for your organisation and speak in glowing terms of your proposal.  We suggest using prominent community members such as political leaders, business owners, school principals and leaders of other community organisations.  Before you start writing grants, work at developing these partnerships.   

5. Grant Application Writing: Get Grant Writing Help
If you’re just starting out with grant applications, then we recommend getting some professional help.  Red Tape Busters are specialist in grant and tender writing and can help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders. Visit  for more information. We are specialists in providing the following services:
· Lobbying;
· Tender Application Writing;
· Grant Application Writing;
· Resumes/Job Applications;
· Organisational/Business Development.

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