
Showing posts from January, 2021

The top ten tips for tender writing

Writing a tender proposal for new business takes time and resources. Here are the ten top tips to help grow your business by winning more tender contracts. 1.    Read all the documentation carefully Make sure you carefully read all of the Invitation to Tender documentation.  It may include contract notice; pricing schedule; specification; and instructions on how the tender proposal is to be completed.   2.    Ensure you meet all the requirements to tender This will detail any insurance requirements, requirements of minimum turnover and all memberships of professional or trade certificates and qualifications required.   3.    Understand the selection criteria of the tender Make sure you fully understand the tender scoring process. This will usually be split into price and quality. The quality is generally considered alongside price.  Ask using the Q&A function, if you are unclear how the tender will be scored. 4.    Ensure you understand all tender requirements It is essential you a

Why reading is important in grant writing!

Ironically enough grant writing  isn’t just about the writing.  An extremely important aspect of successful grant writing is reading! Reading the grant program guidelines in detail and multiple times is imperative. A successful grant writer will tell you attention to detail is paramount in a winning grant application. So, what are we looking for in our microscopic examination of the grant program guidelines? Checking for eligibility  – the grant program will include eligibility requirements and it is imperative that the grant writer checks that the organisation applying for the grant meets these requirements to the letter. It is no use spending copious amounts of time and effort in developing, researching, grant writing, editing, and submitting a grant application if the organisation is not eligible for funding under the terms of the program. Application close date – late applications will not be considered for the funding. Therefore knowing the exact time and date the grant applicatio