Why reading is important in grant writing!

Grant Writer Sydney

Ironically enough grant writing isn’t just about the writing. An extremely important aspect of successful grant writing is reading!

Reading the grant program guidelines in detail and multiple times is imperative. A successful grant writer will tell you attention to detail is paramount in a winning grant application.

So, what are we looking for in our microscopic examination of the grant program guidelines?

Checking for eligibility – the grant program will include eligibility requirements and it is imperative that the grant writer checks that the organisation applying for the grant meets these requirements to the letter. It is no use spending copious amounts of time and effort in developing, researching, grant writing, editing, and submitting a grant application if the organisation is not eligible for funding under the terms of the program.

Application close date – late applications will not be considered for the funding. Therefore knowing the exact time and date the grant application is required enables the grant writer structure and plan their timeline in order to have the grant writing completed  for proofreading or have it checked by a grant writing expert prior to submission is extremely important.

Developing a list of required evidence or documentation to support the application – being organised and collecting the required documentation at the beginning of the grant writing process means there is no last minute scramble to find something that is a necessary addition to the submission and potentially missing the deadline or missing a vital piece of information that will cost you the grant.

Are there any formatting expectations included in the guidelines? Some programs are very specific on word counts, order of documentation even down to font type and size and spacing. While submitting a completed grant application in Arial narrow when they asked for times new roman might not scuttle your chances completely it does demonstrate that you are not detail oriented and raises questions about your professionalism.

Timeframes for completion of funded project Are there timelines associated with the use of the grant funding if successful and can the organisation meet these timelines? When grant writing if there are timelines involved a commitment to adhere to these expectations should be addressed.

Can the organisation demonstrate the financial capability to manage the funds? The grantee wants to know that whoever is successful at gaining the funds has the experience and acumen to use the grant funding to achieve the stated objectives and goals and therefore when completing the grant writing application there will be financial questions that need to be answered and evidence provided.

Does your project or program meet the grant program’s priorities? Are you seeking funding for something that they are wanting to fund? It not only takes time to write a grant application it takes significant amounts of time to sort through and read all the applications so funding organisations are not generally appreciative if they receive applications for funding that are clearly outside their parameters or priorities. It is best to ensure your needs match their priorities before commencing the grant writing process. 

Careful and thorough reading of the grant program guidelines by the grant writer ensures that the time and effort required in producing the grant application is worthwhile for both organisation and the grant writer. Your success depends on comprehensive attention to detail before the writing even commences. 

Red Tape Busters has a team of professional consultants, specialising in grant writing, grant writer Sydney, grant writer Melbourne or grant writing Australia wide to help with grant winning applications. 

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