
Showing posts from January, 2020

Tender Writing Australia- What is the expected standard

It is commonplace for businesses in Australia to submit a tender proposal to supply goods or services to other businesses or to government departments. In its simplest form, when you are writing a tender proposal, you are writing a letter saying why you should be given the business and providing a   quote for a job. Australian buyers expect a high standard in tender proposals. What Should you put in your tender?   ·  A good place to start when tender writing  is to ask yourself all the questions you would ask if the tender process was reversed. If you were the buyer, what would you want in the tender responses? What answers would you be looking for? ·  Remain Focused on the buyer – Research the buyer and address their needs and how you can solve their problems. When you write about your company, include how you have the skills and experience to fulfil the buyer's requirements. Highlight any local links between your business and the buyer. ·  Definitely include if

Grant writing- investigating and planning a project

The project planning and budgeting phase of a grant application is essential as it is the foundation of the development of the contents of a grant application. Steps to help with the process are: 1.  Defining the project 1.1 Investigate sources of funding and obtain relevant information There are websites available that detail government and other organisations grants. Information is also available through Red Tape Busters , Professional   grant writers . 1.2 Identify the needs of the community It is not just the organisation applying for the grant that will be impacted by the grant funds. Any project undertaken will affect the broader community. It is essential to investigate this broader impact to include in a grant application. 1.3 Identify the project's external and internal resource requirements Time will need to be invested into sourcing and highlighting all external and internal resources and their requirements. Will trades need to be brought in to co