Tender Writing Australia- What is the expected standard

It is commonplace for businesses in Australia to submit a tender proposal to supply goods or services to other businesses or to government departments.
In its simplest form, when you are writing a tender proposal, you are writing a letter saying why you should be given the business and providing a quote for a job. Australian buyers expect a high standard in tender proposals.

What Should you put in your tender?
· A good place to start when tender writing is to ask yourself all the questions you would ask if the tender process was reversed. If you were the buyer, what would you want in the tender responses? What answers would you be looking for?
· Remain Focused on the buyer – Research the buyer and address their needs and how you can solve their problems. When you write about your company, include how you have the skills and experience to fulfil the buyer's requirements. Highlight any local links between your business and the buyer.
· Definitely include if you have new ideas – These ideas may include alternative ways of approaching problems or how to deal with possible future concerns about maintenance and staffing. Australia is a community-based nation so demonstrate how a partnership with the buyer can benefit your community?
· The buyer may provide a qualification document. Ensure you address everything in the document. Keep your answers clear, concise and focused.
· Do not aim to have the best price, instead aim to have the best value for money. Detail what makes you better than your competitors. Do you employ local and spend local? Do you use or manufacture Australian made products? Emphasise the benefits of your business, which could include previous satisfied customers, risk reduction you offer and your quality and reliability.
· Ensure you include all the cost and pricing factors to meet the buyer’s requirements. Make sure not to ignore costs such as wages for staff who would normally be working on other projects or tasks.
· Demonstrate your Contract management plan. Show that you have the resources to do the work needed to meet the buyer's needs and hit deadlines.
· Ensure you include a summary of potential financial, legal and commercial risks that could affect the contract outcomes and that you have thought about these risks and can manage them.
· Emphasise your team’s strengths. Highlight your team’s successes, qualifications and experience.
Following these steps will give your tender proposal the best possible chance of success. Successful tender writing allows your business to thrive and expand. Although, failing to win a tender bid is not necessarily a bad thing. It can help you define your aims, strengths and weaknesses and you can use it as a learning experience for next time. Do not be afraid to ask the buyer for feedback on your bid. It raises your profile with the buyer and helps you understand the buyers' needs for next time.

Don’t be afraid to seek help to put forward your best possible tender proposal. Red Tape Busters has a team of professional Tender writers waiting to help. Tender writer Brisbane, tender writer Sydney, or wherever you require assistance, Red Tape Busters team of experienced tender writing consultants can help. 

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