
Showing posts from December, 2019

Tender Writing- What is expected as we head into 2020?

It is absolutely vital that when submitting a tender that your  tender writing  be exemplary. Being awarded a new contract or retaining an existing contract by tender often provides an opportunity to expand, acquire new staff or equipment and improve resources. Winning a tender can provide essential experience needed to win more tenders. Here are some useful tips to assist you in winning more bids and tenders as we step into 2020. REMAIN FOCUSED As the process to create a strong tender can be a long road, staying focused is vital. Stay client focused. Do not lose sight of your client. Their needs as well as their capabilities. Avoid making promises your client can not deliver. Stay project focused. Know the project well. It is always a good idea to take time to re-read the tender requirements, throughout the process, to stay on track. Stay focused on the tender. Remain focused on keeping your tender response documents clear, well organised and logical. Ensuring y

Best Grant Writing Tips

Starting Point: You have spotted an area that could do with a spruce up to utilise that space a little better? Thinking how to get the funds in order to utilise that space is the next question? You have found out that Grants are available, great, now just a way to find that conduit for your submission. But how do I go about Grant Writing ? Well first of all take a look at it step by step, let’s face it most things requiring construction of sorts is available these days online. OK you have the info ready to go so let’s think about how we are going to really get the attention of these people that hopefully are going to clearly see our need for funding to make our organisation so much better for our members. Published Steps or Check Lists for submission: First, read the steps that are required to be taken and ensure that what you give them is what they want to see. Let’s think of it in their shoes, lots of applications all containing the BEST Grant Writing according to