Best Grant Writing Tips

Starting Point:
You have spotted an area that could do with a spruce up to utilise that space a little better?
Thinking how to get the funds in order to utilise that space is the next question?
You have found out that Grants are available, great, now just a way to find that conduit for your submission. But how do I go about Grant Writing? Well first of all take a look at it step by step, let’s face it most things requiring construction of sorts is available these days online. OK you have the info ready to go so let’s think about how we are going to really get the attention of these people that hopefully are going to clearly see our need for funding to make our organisation so much better for our members.

Published Steps or Check Lists for submission:
First, read the steps that are required to be taken and ensure that what you give them is what they want to see. Let’s think of it in their shoes, lots of applications all containing the BEST Grant Writing according to each respective author! The best way to keep these guys on side is to make their journey easy and quite a pleasure to read your finest Grant Writing! Not sure how to do this? Well let’s try this, and its applicable toward the end of this article, but in reality simply read your draft just before bed time, and if you find yourself nodding off then it’s quite reasonable to assume your Grant Writing needs a little more finesse, but don’t worry all the best writers whether for Grant Writing or a Dickens novel, I’m sure all started this way. Anyhow let’s talk the flip side, if you find you are staying awake effortlessly well then I’d say that appears a good start! Hang on you’re not done yet, that said, you have started strong.

Allocate as much of this as you can, multiple drafts are a good indication of your ability to give yourself constructive criticism, well I tend to think so anyway, others may say your Grant Writing “is never going to be perfect” but that’s their opinion! While on the subject of time, make yourself a timeline, if you’re IT savvy then knock yourself out and use a Grant Chart or if like me an A3 sheet with hand written notes works a treat. In that time line look to get your submission in before the cut off with time to spare, work backward from a margin of 2 days prior to cut off as this should keep you out of the last minute rush pile. In any case the beauty is it will give you breathing room should something unexpected pop up!

Right to the main body of the work that we will be creating is to outline the strong case put forward to obtain this grant. Let’s keep our reader on side and priorities the main points that will set us apart from the rest regarding our funding allocation. Lets really push the benefits that this funding is going to provide your members and or the wider local community. Everyone loves to see community spirit! Let’s face it we all are proud of our patch and the area it’s in! Wordsmith to tug at the heartstrings……..

If you can find a way to put in some research you have done somewhere can also assist. Quantitative data when displayed simply has the benefit of assuring the reader you have done your serious homework here, it can also assist in showing that the budget is realistic.

Final Draft:
This is the stage of nearing completion, if you have the ability to have this draft peer reviewed then have it done. With spending focused time on your own Grant Writing you can miss some obvious flaws at times, spelling errors etc can easily gets swept over, problem being is that so many spell checkers will automatically correct to a word out of context, so in its mind it’s done its job but that word from now corrects to form. So be brave hand it out where and when appropriate, remember you have come this far so now isn’t the time to walk away from Grant Writing because someone picked up an error that appeared obvious!

Now is the time to run the Check List a final time, yes the one that you have diligently followed whether from the web page on line or written in your finest cursive. Have it double checked if need be, and when confident submit with the knowledge that you have had a go at Grant Writing! If it doesn’t get through, no worries you will get feedback ready to apply to your next Grant Writing round! However, we are always optimistic, Grant Writers generally are by nature, you’ve done all you can based on some good common applications, let’s face it common sense isn’t always that common these days… of luck!

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