
Showing posts from March, 2022

Winning Grants and influencing people

Winning grants are those that answer all questions clearly and make it easy for the grant evaluator or reviewers to find the information they require. When organising the grant proposal, the Grant Writer NT will usually answer the questions or criterion in the order they are asked. This makes the document structure more readily perused by the potential reviewer and increases potential for the grant proposal to be viewed positively and ultimately successfully. The Grant Writer Sydney knows how important it is to follow the specifications for word or page limits; the type, format and number of attachments permissible; and how the grant funder wants to receive the proposal. This attention to detail in formatting and ability to follow directions means the proposal will be accepted by the funder and the rest of their grant application is aimed at selling the proposal. Grant Writer will also look at the eligibility requirements of the grant to ensure their client organisation falls

STAR job application writing

It is tempting when job seeking to use the same approach we have always used. After all familiar is comfortable and let’s face it, job application writing and job seeking is already a stressful situation without trying something new at the same time. As job seekers we usually expend significant time and effort on  our Job application writing , cover letter composition and on occasion addressing selection criteria but then we tend to neglect our interview preparedness which then leads to us falling over at the finish line. When resume writing we follow some core principles such as individualising our resume to suit the job description and including the key words used by the employer within the job description in our resume. We ensure our resume is presented in a clear, easy to read format that looks professional and shows us in our best light to the potential employer. The job application process also includes our cover letter. Once again, individualised to the position description, and