STAR job application writing

It is tempting when job seeking to use the same approach we have always used. After all familiar is comfortable and let’s face it, job application writing and job seeking is already a stressful situation without trying something new at the same time.

As job seekers we usually expend significant time and effort on  our Job application writing, cover letter composition and on occasion addressing selection criteria but then we tend to neglect our interview preparedness which then leads to us falling over at the finish line.

When resume writing we follow some core principles such as individualising our resume to suit the job description and including the key words used by the employer within the job description in our resume. We ensure our resume is presented in a clear, easy to read format that looks professional and shows us in our best light to the potential employer.

The job application process also includes our cover letter. Once again, individualised to the position description, and written to inform the potential employer why we are the perfect candidate for their position.

Hopefully with all our efforts expended in our resume and cover letter we will then land the all-important interview.

So, the big day and time arrives. We have our interview; we dress to impress then rock up to the appointed venue at the nominated time but are we fully prepared? Are we confident? Does our presentation in person match our written documentation? Are we prepared for the interview? Can we prepare for an interview?

The simple answer is yes – we can come prepared and in fact we should be prepared. The interview is the final hurdle – it is our final opportunity to demonstrate our skills, capabilities, knowledge, qualities and experience and land that position.

Quite often the interviewers will use the STAR format to gather all the relevant information about the job applicant and make a determination on how effectively they can perform the required tasks in the position.

Because the STAR approach is the most common form of interview methodology it makes sense for the job applicant to use the same approach to prepare themselves for their interview.

STAR is Situation, Task, Action, Result. It is worthwhile the job applicant looking at the job description that was included in the job advertisement prior to the interview and formulating a STAR response to each criterion included.

Think about each of the criterion for job application writer in the following context.

Describe the Situation.

Highlight your Task.

Describe how you took Action.

Share the Result.

Having pre-thought about each of the criterion using the STAR approach you will then be ready for the interview and will be able to respond to their questions without rambling, going off topic, freezing up and going blank or stumbling your way painfully through your responses. This will give the job applicant a confidence boost prior to their interview and present them in their best light to their potential employer.

Great Resume  Great Cover Letter   STAR interview aced  Position Gained

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