
Showing posts from February, 2021

Commonalities in tenders

Although all tenders are different there are generally some core commonalities that the tender writer Queensland  includes in all their tender submissions. The tender writer Queensland needs to effectively and successfully demonstrate how the tender applicant can manage and deliver on the project. This requires composing detailed and compliant responses to required selection criterion in the RFT (Request For Tender document) and providing the supporting documentation and evidence that is needed to prove the applicant organisation or business is eligible to apply for the tender. The Tender Writer Queensland includes information about key management personnel and their roles and responsibilities within their organisation including what qualifications, skills and experience they have that make them appropriate and suitable to win the tender. The tender funder needs to know that their funds will be in good hands and the organisation can successfully and competently deliver the required goo

Rescue my resume!

A professional job application writer  will agree that your resume is crucial to success when you are wanting to land that fantastic position that you have been dreaming of. Your resume is your initial introduction to your potential new employer. In order for you to be short listed and invited to attend an interview where you can dazzle them with your brilliance   for their position, your resume has to grab their attention then convince them you are a top candidate. When job application writing  keep the following points in mind. Some are simple tips and others will take effort on your part but will be worth it in the end. Customise your resume for each position you apply for. Spending some time to modify and tailor your resume to each position you apply for increases the chances of you being invited for an interview as potential employers will appreciate that you have made the effort to identify how you meet their requirements. Tailor your career objective to match the job advertiseme