
Showing posts from April, 2020

Job Application writing - What employers want to read

As you may only get one shot at being invited to interview for a job vacancy, before you begin writing your job application, understand who will be reading the application. Why you are writing the application and what you wish to accomplish? Who will be reading the application? Understand who the organisation is you are applying to. Your application will need to be tailored to them. Using appropriate industry jargon, will be an advantage as it shows you are familiar with the industry as well as understand the employer’s role in that industry. -  What do they want to know? The prospective employer reading your application wants to know what it is that you can offer them. They want to know that you have the attributes, experience and qualifications that suit a position within their organisation. -  What do they need to know? The prospective employer will need to know your contact and referee details. They will also need to know the qualifications that you have t