Job Application writing - What employers want to read

As you may only get one shot at being invited to interview for a job vacancy, before you begin writing your job application, understand who will be reading the application. Why you are writing the application and what you wish to accomplish?

Who will be reading the application?

Understand who the organisation is you are applying to. Your application will need to be tailored to them. Using appropriate industry jargon, will be an advantage as it shows you are familiar with the industry as well as understand the employer’s role in that industry.

What do they want to know?
The prospective employer reading your application wants to know what it is that you can offer them. They want to know that you have the attributes, experience and qualifications that suit a position within their organisation.

What do they need to know?
The prospective employer will need to know your contact and referee details. They will also need to know the qualifications that you have that are specific to the advertised position.

What do they know about you already?
If you have been employed within the organisation or an affiliation of the organisation, they will need to know. It will evidence that you have the skills and experience that they need.

Why are you writing the application?

The prospective employer will also be wondering about your motives behind the application. Demonstrating that you are applying because you are eager to advance your career and not simply to mark off applications for welfare payments, will be a boost to your application.

Is your ability to suit the position obvious?
While job application writing, stay focused on the position you are applying for. Do not presume that the reader of you job application will know how your qualifications link to their needs.

Is your willingness to train, relocate or ‘do what it takes’ to precure the position obvious to the reader?
Employers will need to know that you will are willing to change your location or qualifications to get the job and it needs to be very obvious in your job application. Although if you are not willing to relocate, do not state that you are. Wasting an employer’s time is rarely a good idea.

What do you wish to accomplish?

The aim of your job application is to make an impression and be invited to interview for a position within a company.

Will your application be noticed or be discarded?
Your job application needs to stand out from the crowd. Overloading your application with irrelevant information will work towards the reader discarding your application. Only including information relevant to the prospective employer and the available position, will be appreciated by the reader and have your application viewed favourably.

Is your application well written, easy to read and captivating?
A well written and clearly set out job application has the best chance of standing out. Avoid fancy fonts and confusing layouts. Use spell check to avoid spelling mistakes which can land your job application on the discard pile. Have a friend or peer to proofread your application. It is vital when job application writing, you put your best foot forward with a job application that is simple, clear and easy to read.

Do you need help?
Help is available to write a winning job application. Red Tape Busters have experienced job application writers ready to assist you. Red Tape Busters specialise in helping you take the next step towards your dream job.

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