
Showing posts from March, 2020

How Resume Writing Has Changed

The best approach to job application writing  in 2020 is certainly not the best approach to resume writing from 20 years ago.  Resume writing has changed!  Perhaps you are one of the lucky people who has been in the same job for a long time but, for some reason, the time has come to move on.  The old way of writing a resume simply won’t cut it anymore. Here are our tips for modernizing your resume to make it stand out today:   NUMBER 1:  RESUME WRITING: KEEP IT BRIEF In the past, a job application writer  may have thought that quantifying their suitability for a job required a lot of explanation.  The more information, the better.  This is not the case now though.   Your resume should be as brief as possible.  Reading your resume should be like watching the highlights of a football match.  You get a summary of the whole game in less than a minute.  If it doesn’t fit on one or (at most) two pages, then forget it.  Therefore, focus on the most interesting and relevant bits.  

Grant writing - how to guarantee your grant application is rejected

Funding bodies have their own ideas on how to solve the world’s problems. Some funding bodies will address immediate needs, while other funding bodies will address root problems. Your organisation’s proposal may be a great fit for one funding body and a bad match for another. Carefully reading the guidelines will establish which category your organisation falls into. Each funding body has its own red flags which will guarantee a grant application being rejected. Reviewing and approving grant applications is largely subjective on the part of the funding body. With a large number of community and sporting organisations all vying for consideration for funding, they have the luxury of being able to wade through the mundane to find the dazzling and stand out grant applications. But there are some sure-fire ways to get your grant application rejected.  These include:   Having weak or unsubstantiated financials. If your grant writer  cannot provide strong financial state