Grant writing - how to guarantee your grant application is rejected

Funding bodies have their own ideas on how to solve the world’s problems. Some funding bodies will address immediate needs, while other funding bodies will address root problems. Your organisation’s proposal may be a great fit for one funding body and a bad match for another. Carefully reading the guidelines will establish which category your organisation falls into.

Each funding body has its own red flags which will guarantee a grant application being rejected.
Reviewing and approving grant applications is largely subjective on the part of the funding body. With a large number of community and sporting organisations all vying for consideration for funding, they have the luxury of being able to wade through the mundane to find the dazzling and stand out grant applications. But there are some sure-fire ways to get your grant application rejected. 

These include: 

Having weak or unsubstantiated financials. If your grant writer cannot provide strong financial statements with your grant application, the funding body may want to ask further questions or deny the application all together. An accountant may be able to provide the financial statement you require. The funding body may want to see three years of financial statements. Not providing this, especially if requested, will be a great step towards having your grant application rejected.  

Address your proposal to the wrong department or person. If you really want to see your grant application fail and be rejected, do not double check who will be on the receiving end of the grant application. A misplaced grant application could result in it never being seen and considered. Effective grant writing includes successful submission of the grant application. Calling the foundation to ask would be a simple way to avoid this mistake.  

Inconsistencies between budget and activities. Another guaranteed strategy to have your grant application rejected is if the activities listed in your grant application are not reflected in your budget, or your budget doesn’t logically follow your grant application.  Grant writing involves telling the story of your sporting or community organisation. It is vital that your grant application be coherent, and it should fully inform and educate the reader accurately about your organisation.  

Undefined outcomes. Without your organisation’s outcomes laid out as neatly and clearly as possible, you will certainly have your grant application rejected. Grant writing involves knowing your organisation and its capabilities and its goals and objectives. It involves meshing those into the grant application in a way that clearly defines the expected outcomes of the grant.

If you are writing your organisation’s grant application and would rather it succeed than fail, you could consider seeking help. Red Tape Busters has a team of professional consultants, specialising in Grant writing, who are ready to help. Grant writing Sydney, grant writing Melbourne, grant writing Brisbane, or grant writing anywhere in Australia, Red Tape Busters can help. With grant writers across the nation, from grant writer Sydney to grant writer Melbourne to grant writer Darwin, the team are here to assist you and your organisation put forward your best possible grant application.

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