
Showing posts from October, 2019

Getting Ready for Tenders

There is no doubt about it, successful tender application is a great way to make a profitable business.  Before you launch out into the big bad world of tender application writing with all its possibilities and pitfalls, there are some things you need to have in order before a funding body will even look at you!  Good tender writers  have prepared for the journey before they launch out into the tender application writing ocean.   Here are some key steps that you should take to lay a great foundation before you begin tender writing :     1.  Tender Application Writing: Know Your Capacity Do not bite off more than your can chew. Before you begin tender application writing, you must be confident that the business can deliver.  Create a capability statement that gives an honest assessment of what your company can realistically achieve. Yes, you want to stretch yourself, but not to the point of breaking.   2.  Tender Application Writing: Obtain a Financial Audit Many tende

Tips for Responding to Selection Criteria

Often the most time-consuming and harrowing part of completing a job application is the process of developing responses to selection criteria.   Key selection criteria for a job are usually spelled out in a list of qualities, knowledge and skills needed for the job.  Employers use selection criteria to compare applicants by the same measures.  If you want to stand out amongst a sea of applicants, then nailing your responses is a must.  Here are out top tips:   NUMBER 1:  STUDY THE CRITERIA FIRST Take some time to consider each selection criteria and consider what qualities and skills your prospective employer is looking for.  Making a bullet point list can be a helpful step.   NUMBER 2:  UNDERSTAND YOUR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYER Good job application writers  ensure that they’ve researched the company for which they are applying before they start their application.  Find out what their core business is and their mission statement.  Use your networks to learn about their c