
Showing posts from June, 2019

Tender Application Writing: Why Can’t I Get A Tender?

Have you ever become disheartened by a tender writing  application rejection?  It feels like you put in so much work, only to be knocked back.  A tender writing application is your chance to show why your business can do the job better than your competitors, but many tender application writers make the same easily-avoidable mistakes and have lost out because of them.  Here are the three biggest mistakes that we see, that tender application writers must avoid:   Tender Writing Applications: MISTAKE NUMBER 1:  Failure to Answer all Parts of the Question Don’t give away easy marks by failing to answer all parts of the question.  For example, a question may ask you how you will measure and report on your performance over the term of the contract.  As a tender   writer , if you only explain how you will measure performance, without explaining how you report on your performance, you have only answered half the question.  Failing to directly answer the question, will frustrate

5 Ways to Improve Your Resume Writing

Everyone wants to believe that when they send a resume to a prospective employer, someone on the receiving end painstakingly reviews the whole document.  After all, you spent hours and hours resume writing, not to mention the time spent on the job application writing   and the selection criteria!  The reality to far different.  Chances are your resume and job application will only be given a cursory glance, so you need to make it count.  How do resume writers produce a resume that stands out?  Here are 5 ways to improve your resume:    NUMBER 1:  USE THE RIGHT LANGUAGE Job application writers  uses  certain kind of verbs that  describe s  what your successes in your previous jobs will make you stand out.  Commonly referred to as “power verbs,” they included words such as "increased," "initiated," "resolved," and "improved.”  When describing your previous work, start off with these kinds of words. Power verbs go beyond simply stating yo