Tender Application Writing: Why Can’t I Get A Tender?

Have you ever become disheartened by a tender writing application rejection?  It feels like you put in so much work, only to be knocked back.  A tender writing application is your chance to show why your business can do the job better than your competitors, but many tender application writers make the same easily-avoidable mistakes and have lost out because of them.  Here are the three biggest mistakes that we see, that tender application writers must avoid:  

Tender Writing Applications: MISTAKE NUMBER 1:  Failure to Answer all Parts of the Question
Don’t give away easy marks by failing to answer all parts of the question.  For example, a question may ask you how you will measure and report on your performance over the term of the contract.  As a tender writer, if you only explain how you will measure performance, without explaining how you report on your performance, you have only answered half the question.  Failing to directly answer the question, will frustrate the reader and it’s unlikely that they have the time or desire to sift through your document or contract you for extra information and so you’ll just miss out.  Another thing, answer questions clearly and succinctly.  Ditch any unnecessary or irrelevant information.  Use subheadings if you’re able to make it easier to read.  Make the reviewer like you! 

Tender Writing Applications: MISTAKE NUMBER 2:  Failure to Say How
Many tender application writers make the mistake of saying, “Of course we can do the job,” but fail to say how.  However, the “how” is most important.  Similarly, provide specific examples of how you meet the selection criteria rather than simply stating that you do. As a tender writer, it is important to highlight your credentials and provide verifiable experience with real-life examples, as well as explaining how your approach to delivering the tender will meet the buyer's needs.

Tender Writing Applications: MISTAKE NUMBER 3:  Failure to Review Your Work
This point cannot be understated. Nothing erodes your credibility faster than poor grammar, spelling and punctuation or failing to fulfil the basic formatting requirements like font size and line spacing.  Get someone independent of the tender application writing process to check your work to see if it makes sense.  Get a second opinion.  You cannot over-proofread your tender application, so put in the effort at this step.  It may be the difference between your response or another company’s response being selected.   This is where Red Tape Busters can help! 

Whether you’re a veteran tender writer or new to the game, consider getting some professional tender writing help.  Red Tape Busters are specialist in grant and tender application writing and can help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders. Visit http://www.redtapebusters.com/  for more information. We are specialists in providing the following services:
· Lobbying;
· Tender Application Writing;
· Grant Application Writing;
· Resumes/Job Applications;
· Organisational/Business Development.

Please also “friend” or “like” us on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/RedTapeBustersShaneBowering, follow us on Twitter – Red Tape Busters or check us out on YouTube just search for Red Tape Busters.  

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