
Showing posts from August, 2018

Quick Tips for Resume Writing

Everyone wants to believe that when they write their resume and send their resume to a prospective employer, someone on the receiving end painstakingly reviews the whole document.   After all, you spent hours and hours writing your resume and putting that thing together.   The reality to far different.   Chances are your resume will only be given a cursory glance, so you need to make it count.   How do resume writers produce a resume that stands out?   Let’s take a look at how to be a resume writer who has the keys to succeed.

What do Employers Look for in A Resume?

Recently I applied for a job where there were over 800 applicants.Anyone who believes that a prospective employer has time to peruse that many job applications and resumes is kidding themselves. Sure, you may spend hours and hours on job application writing and labouring over your resume, trying to make sure it is spot-on. But, at the end of the day, there are certain things you must get right, if you want your employer to give your job application and resume a second look. So, what are the keys to resume writing that make sure it isn’t thrown in the reject pile? How can you make your resume stand out? What do employers even look for in a resume? Here are our top tips.

Tender Writing done Right – How to write a strong tender

Tender writing involves a simple concept – the concept of buying and selling.   Just as shop offer various items for sale, a tenderer has something of value to sell whether this be a particular job that needs doing, a contract for ongoing employment or equipment to sell. In return the tenderee is able to buy the item for sale by offering a solution such as how they will complete the job, how they can provide ongoing employment or what price they will pay to buy the equipment that is for sale.   In a buy / sell relationship both parties receive a benefit but ultimately it is the seller that has the final say on what they want for the item or service they are offering.   Give this information it should be no surprise that tender writers needs to present the best possible solution to the tenderer. But how does a tender writer do this? What should a tender writer focus on to win over the sale and buy the contract? Here are some ideas to help you in your tender writing journey