
Showing posts from August, 2016

Grant Writing - 5 Things Not to Say in Grant Applications

You can make some major mistakes when grant writing but the experienced grant writer will avoid major blunders, We all at times make a mistake – we are all human but the mistakes I am just about to discuss need to be avoided at all costs in your grant writing. Many inexperienced grant writers seem to be focused on honesty and being totally upfront in your grant applications. Grant writers can’t outright lie in an application but the quality grant writer will be careful about what they say in an application and how they say it. You can massage and infer something in an application to present the best possible case scenario as opposed to downplaying your prospects. However be reasonable in your claims but it is better to slightly oversell than undersell in my opinion. Your grant application is your chance to “sell” your organisation, project and the need for funding – very few in the “sales world” survive by underselling! On a similar theme to the first point it is vital that y

Grant Writing – Picking the right Grant Writer?

This is a challenging task indeed. Many organisations are faced with the prospect of hiring a grant writer as part of their staffing complement or in engaging a professional grant writer on a contract basis. The first thing an organisation needs to consider is just that – on what basis do they want to engage the grant writer.  There are obviously fors and againsts both engagement strategies however I probably think it is far easier to get rid of a non performing grant writer who is on contract than an underperforming salaried employee. But that obviously is a consideration only the organisation can make. Many organisations believe that they have total control if the grant writer is a salaried employee however if you contract a grant writer and if you pick the right grant writer you can still retain full control of the process.  Certainly we are hired as contract grant writers to hundreds of organisations and businesses and our clients at all times retain full control of the