
Showing posts from March, 2016

Grant Writer – Grant Writing Myths

There are many myths around in the grant writing world. Many grant writers fail to consider these myths and as such then compromise the prospects of success. Myths seem to perpetuate like Big Foot or the Yeti but in general they are nonsense and can be suitably dismissed as nonsense. These are some of the myths and misconceptions that grant writers will hear regularly while they are in the grant writing world. Funding bodies feel sorry for struggling organisations This really is a total nonsense. Funding bodies whether they be Council, Government, Corporate or Philanthropic Trusts or Foundations entities really have little interest in whether an organisation is struggling or not and don’t care if they are almost ready to close their doors. Fund managers in general with very very few exceptions want to hear how an organisation will deliver a project or realize outcomes in line with the goals and objectives of the funding program and is the organisation offering value for mon

Job Application Writing – Why Planning is Very Important in Job Application Writing

Job application writing can be very consuming and that is where many people either don’t have time or the skills involved and engaged a specialist job application/resume writer like the team we have at Red Tape Busters. Our team primarily come from the public sector and therefore we have great skills and experience in the job application writing process and developing fantastic responses to selection criteria and preparing resumes. Successful job application writing initially starts with great planning. That means initially identifying what career path you want to follow and deciding on this based on your qualifications, interests, skills and experience. It is no good applying for a job that you have great interest in a certain field but don’t have the required skills or qualifications outlined in the job description. Similarly you shouldn’t apply for a job just because you have the skills, experience or qualifications if you have little or no interest in the job, the industry