Love my tender!

A tender is an often-lengthy response to a request for the provision of goods or services and is generally used so the client can a competitive process to achieve the best value for their money.

For many businesses tendering is the way to provide them with long term financial stability and viability by winning contracts to provide goods or services to high profile Government or Corporate clients.

Our Tender writer in Sydney have long term experience in assisting businesses to respond to tenders and know that in order to be successful the tender response has to be correctly written and submitted.

Prior to submitting a tender, the tender writer obtains the tender documents from the client or procurement website. The client will usually release a Request for Tender (RFT), in addition to a contract and supporting documentation. The tender documents provide information on the project and client requirements, forming the basis of the response.

The tender writer Melbourne provides a formal response to tender for businesses and their first task is to comprehensively read the invitation to tender document. One of the main items they are looking for is whether the applicant meets compliance or mandatory criteria contained within the request for tender, such as do they hold the required licences, insurances, and expertise? Once they are sure they are able to proceed they move on to the response to tender. 

The tender writer is required to address all the selection criteria about the business client in their submission. occasionally this information is weighted according to their importance to the evaluation process – in which case the tender writer has access to the weighting information within the RFQ/RFT document.

The tender writer will provide a detailed response to all the evaluation criteria contained within the request for tender documentation. The tender writer spends time detailing the answers and addressing each of the selection criteria and expectations provided, breaking it down to any subsections in each criterion and using the key words included in the RFQ/RFT document.

The tender writer details these criteria clearly and logically using bold font for headings and thoroughly covers all components of the criteria. They provide examples and evidence of the company capabilities within each criterion so that the evaluation team can weigh each answer up easily.

The tender writer expected to confirm within their submission that the applicant business is fully prepared to comply with the conditions of contract as it is provided within the RFQ/RFT documentation. It is therefore important that the business seeks professional advice prior to the submission of the tender to determine that they can agree to such binding conditions.

When it comes to the element of price, the tender writer is required to clearly present the price bid on behalf of the tendering business and demonstrate in detail how the price supplied was calculated. In some RFQ/RFT the price schedule will be supplied, and the tender writer uses that schedule to present the bid and information. If it is not supplied the onus is then on the tender writer to format a clear, legible, and simple price schedule for inclusion with the bid application.

The tender gives the requesting client an impression of your business professionalism and capabilities; it is therefore imperative that the tender application is completed with the highest attention to detail and is written by someone who is experienced and specialises in tenders and has proven success in the tender writing process like Tender Writer.

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