
Showing posts from June, 2021

What Grant Writers do to be successful?

For Grant Writers  nothing feels better than to win grant funding for their clients. They are aware that grant writing is highly competitive, and funding is sought after by countless worthy organisations every year. Grant Writers follow set parameters to ensure that their clients are represented positively and hopefully successfully in the grant funding process. Grant Writers are familiar with their clients and have done the research to ensure the funding organisation and the client organisation are the right fit for each other. They look at the information on the past grants won to determine the types of organisations and projects that were successful. Grant Writers Sydney   also look at the amounts granted- highest and lowest amounts and the most common amount granted. What types of grants were most successful? Project based grants or general support grants. Using this research information Grant Writers can match the correct grant funding to their client organisation requirements and

What is required in a tender submission?

When the tender writer Sydney  is preparing the tender submission there are several key elements or components that are required under the RFQ/RFT. The tender writing  process requires planning and attention to detail and the tender writer’s first task is to comprehensively read the invitation to tender document. The Quotation or Tender form is a document that is included in the RFQ/RFT document and needs to be completed and signed by the key personnel from the applicant company or organisation. It is then included by the tender writer  with the submission. The evaluation criteria determine how the quote or tender bid will be assessed by the evaluators. The tender writer is required to address all the selection criteria in their submission. On some occasions this information is weighted according to their importance to the evaluation process – in which case the tender writer has access to the weighting information within the RFQ/RFT document. The tender writer Sydney  prepares a detail