Do’s and don’ts of tender writing



Read the mandatory requirements and terms and conditions in the invitation to tender several times; take detailed notes; write a plan of action  or a checklist to ensure everything required is will be included in the finished tender proposal. The tender writing process requires planning and attention to detail and your first port of call is the invitation to tender.

Prepare your responses to all evaluation criteria. A great tender writer spends time detailing the answers and addressing each of the selection criteria and expectations provided, breaking it down to any subsections in each criteria and using the key words included in the invitation to tender document.

When addressing the criteria, the tender writer sets it out clearly and logically using bold font for headings and thoroughly covers all components of the criteria. Provide examples and evidence of the company capabilities within each criterion.

Where possible use dot points as concise dot points read easier for the evaluator than large blocks of text.

When tender writing clearly and concisely demonstrate how the organisation or company can provide the required goods or services.

Use factual examples of the organisation or company experience abilities or proficiencies. Use the STAR method – Situation, Task, Action, Results. This method when applied by the tender writer enables them to construct concrete, specific and concise examples to effectively demonstrate the abilities of the tendering company or organisation. Remember this is a competition and we are in it to win it. The tender writer therefore has to establish without doubt your company or organisation’s worth to the tender evaluator.

Ensure your statements or examples use quantifiable data such as a percentage value or time statements.

Submit your best offer with your tender at the first opportunity – there are no do overs or second chances. Remember if you can, to include some sort of value added bonus to your bid – something that isn’t going to cost the invitee any more but will add value to their buck. They are looking for the best value for money – that isn’t necessarily the cheapest or lowest bid they receive.

Lodge the tender application on time – late applications can and often will be disregarded or dismissed as it doesn’t bode well for your promises if you can’t be timely with your tender application. Being late and out of contention is a sad waste of time, effort and opportunity for any tender writer.


Don’t assume the evaluator will have a thorough knowledge of the industry or your particular organisation or company. Use your tender proposal to fully explain what your organisation or company has to offer and how you will achieve everything you say you will achieve. The evaluator has to base their decision on the tender writing submission so include everything in that application that will effectively highlight the capabilities and experience and abilities of your organisation.

Don’t be vague in the tender writing process in addressing the selection criteria or your responses to the requirements of the invitation to tender document. Be specific and include quantifiable examples that can be proven and substantiated.

Don’t use a previous application response even if it was successful. The tender writer needs to ensure the tender response is drafted solely to fit the requirements of this specific tender. It is like a resume or cover letter – each one should be specific to the situation.

Don’t repeat yourself simply to increase your word count or to make your tender response look larger than your competitors. Instead write a concise and clear document that is easy to read and follow – the evaluators will thank you for it. Especially if the tender is highly contested and they have a large number of submissions to read through and evaluate.

Red Tape Busters can help you with experienced and enthusiastic tender writers. Red Tape Busters has Tender writers NT, tender writers Brisbane, Tender writers Melbourne and everywhere across our nation, Red Tape Busters can help. 

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