
Showing posts from September, 2020

Grant Writing - getting your proposal right

Although every funding body will have its own requirements, there are several components of a proposal that are standard, and they will often come in the following order: Title page Your title page may include a brief yet clear title for the project, name and address of the funding body, project dates, and amount of funding required. Most funding bodies will have specific requirements you need to follow, for the title page. Abstract The abstract provides the funding body their first impression of your project. The abstract may be used by the funding body to remind themselves of your proposal when making their final recommendations. The key elements abstracts state are: -  the general purpose, -  specific goals, -  research design, -  methods, -  and significance.   Introduction The introduction needs cover the main elements of your proposal. These elements should include a statement of the problem, research goals or objectives, the purpose of research, and significance of the research.