Tender Writing - Checking and Submitting Your Tender Proposal

When you are writing a tender proposal for your business, every detail matters.

A tender submission checklist can help to ensure your business’s tender proposal meets all the tenderer’s requirements.

When tender writing, your tender submission checklist should include:

Is your tender proposal compliant?
Make sure you have all the necessary qualifications, experience and accreditations required. Follow the tenderer’s instructions to the letter, as set out in the tenderer’s specifications. If there are templates supplied or formats specified, make sure you have used them.  Check that documents that need signatures, are signed. Ensure you double check the deadlines for submission, number of copies required, word limits etc.

Is your tender proposal easy to read?
Ensure that all your tender responses are clear and concise. Avoid using any unnecessary embellishment or jargon. Your responses need to follow a clear and logical structure This can be accomplished by using headings, charts and graphs when required to aid comprehension.

Double check your tender proposal against the tenderer’s specifications and their evaluation criteria. Ensure you have addressed all the specified requirements.

Ensure that your responses to evaluation criteria are supported with evidence. You need to clearly demonstrate that you can, and how you can meet the all the tenderer’s requirements. Simply telling them you can meet the requirements is not good enough.

Double check and then check again that you have supplied all the requested information. Ensure that you check that the required information, e.g. certifications and insurance policies, are in date and relevant. Make sure to include or attach all supporting documents. Confirm that the tender documents have all signatures required as instructed. This is usually required by a senior manager or the owner of the business. Digital signatures may be required if you are e-tendering.

Be certain that you are offering a value for money tender response. If your tender tender response has not got a competitive price and high quality, you are not offering the tenderer value for money and are wasting your valuable time and resources submitting the tender.

Ensure you fully understand the tenderer’s submission requirements. Will it be on-line, through a portal, by post, etc? And possibly the most important part of tendering is to submit Your tender proposal well in advance of the submission deadline.

 Get Help
Preparing, writing and submitting a tender proposal can eat up a lot of your valuable time and resources. It can also be a daunting task. A professional tender writer can help you and your business create a tender proposal of high standard with every detail addressed and checked. A professional tender writer is able to step back from the day to day running of your business, which you may not be able to, which allows them to focus on the tender proposal. Red Tape Busters has a team of experienced and professional tender writers ready to team up with you to create a contract winning tender proposal. With tender writers Sydney, tender writers Melbourne, tender writers Brisbane and tender writers Australia wide, Red Tape Busters are the team you need. 

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