Grant Writing- “Well Begun is Half Done”

Grant writing may seem like an overwhelming and shudder inducing task. And this is with good reason. It can seem very daunting. Will you use the correct words? Will you be able to use the best sentence structure? What about your spelling and grammar? The best way to ensure you can handle the task of grant writing is to find out the purpose behind what you are writing and the approach you need to take. This will help you clear your head and make a good start. If you get everything right at the start, it will make the rest easier. The key to a successful grant application is research and preparation. Being prepared will help you to establish the tone and purpose of the grant application.
The following Questions will help find the purpose and approach when taking on the job of grant writer.

Who are your readers?
Knowing who your reader is and understanding the funding body will allow you to tailor your grant application’s vocabulary and focus accordingly. A grant application needs to written as if your reader does not know or understand anything about your sporting or community organisation. Assume they also have no knowledge at all about the diversity of your community, or the heritage of your region. Highlight your community’s culture and any future developments.

What is the purpose of the document?
Why are you applying for this grant? Understanding the reasons behind your application, will make your grant writing process easier and make your grant application seem like a viable option for the funding body. Do you have a concrete plan for any grant funding your organisation may receive? Have you thoroughly researched whether your organisation qualifies for the grant? Are you capable of achieving the required outcomes?

Why should the readers read your grant application?
You need to make your grant application stand out from the rest. What makes your organisation special? How many people will the grant benefit? What will be the impact on your community? Make sure you include any extra benefits the grant will bring to your organisation or community that may not be obvious to the reader.

What outcomes you expect?
By keeping your grant application simple and clearly expressing your desired outcomes, you leave little room for miscommunication. Ensure that you add how your organisation will be measuring the success of the project and how you will be held accountable for the project which also includes the budget.

Once you have taken the time to examine and answer these questions, research the grant and the funding body and assessed whether the grant is suitable for your organisation, then you are ready to create a strong grant application.

Professional grant writers are also available to help if the task still seems overwhelming. Red Tape Busters has Professional, experienced Grant writers located Australia wide. Grant writers Brisbane, Grant writers Sydney, Grant Writers Melbourne or wherever you are, Red Tape Busters are here to help. 

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