
Showing posts from July, 2019

How to Make Your Grant Writing Application Stand Out

With competition for grant applications at an all-time high, it’s important that your grant writing  applications hit the mark every time. In fact, you should assume that every time you submit a grant writing application, you are competing with hundreds of other organisations and/or individuals for the same money.  Is it any wonder that many grant writing proposals get shelved without a second look?  However, there are certain things that you can do to make your grant application stand out.  Here are our top tips:   Grant Application Writing Tip Number 1:  SHOW THAT YOU CARE ABOUT THE FUNDING BODY Funding bodies can tell when organisations are looking for a cash grab.  Therefore, the first question you ask, and the question that drives the initial stages of your grant writing application, should be, “What does the funder want?”  In grant application writing, it’s vital to know what the funder cares about, their purpose, mission, and objectives. Without a full and profou