
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Job Writing Application Process – from start to finish

The job writing application process no easy task. It is made up of many elements that all need to be completed in order to secure the elusive job you desire. In fact, the job writing application process is becoming more and more complicated each year with some organisations requiring multiple interviews, personality tests and /or comprehension / maths tests just to name a few. So how do you navigate the job writing application process from start to finish? Here is a step by step guide that may assist you to work through the process. 1.   Finding a suitable job to apply for: It is no secret that organisations are now using multiple ways to advertise their positions. It is important that you use all avenues open to you to search for the job application you want to apply for. As well as the traditional means of the newspapers, organisations now have a multitude of websites available to them to advertise on. The most common of these are, and