
Showing posts from March, 2019

New Year’s Resolutions for Tender Writers

With the Christmas season well and truly upon us, the prospect of a new year is looming large on the horizon… and that means New Year’s Resolutions.  As a tender application writer, it is a good time to take stock and set some goals.  If this year was a great year of tender application writing success for you, then aim even higher next year.  If this year was a year of limited tender application writing success, then it is a chance for a fresh start.  How about setting some tender application writing resolutions for the coming year?  Here is a few for starters: 1.  In the New Year, I Will Select My Tenders Writing Applications Carefully Before you start hacking away and your computer, read the tender writing  application documents thoroughly and then read them again. You may think this goes without saying but if your business doesn’t stand Buckley’s chance of winning the tender writing application, then don’t waste everyone’s time.  Be sure you can deliver.  Be sure you

New Year’s Resolutions For Job-Seekers - Resume Writing

A brand-new year means one thing – New Year’s Resolutions!  If finding a new job is on your list this year, then it’s time to make some resolutions about your resume too.  Your resume is like a shop window that prospective employers look at and you really only have 30 seconds to make an impression.  Chances are, they have hundreds of resumes to review and they won’t hesitate to toss yours aside if it doesn’t catch their eye.  So, this year, resolve to make your resume the best it can be.  Here are out job application writing  new year’s resolutions: 1.  Keep Your Resume Brief Reading your resume should be like watching the highlights of a football match.  You get a summary of the whole game in less than a minute.  If it doesn’t fit on one or (at most) two pages, then forget it.  Therefore, focus on the most interesting and relevant bits.  Also, give more space to your current or recent jobs, and less to the past.  Include the things that are most relevant to the job you