
Showing posts from December, 2018

Why Should I Hire a Grant-Writer?

When you’re pumping out grant writing application after grant writing application, and you’re not having any success, it sure can be disheartening. With competition for grants at an all-time high, it’s important that your grant writing applications hit the mark every time. In fact, you should assume that every time you submit a grant writing application, you are competing with hundreds of other organisations and/or individuals for the same money. Is it any wonder that many proposals get shelved without a second look? To ensure that your grant writing applications don’t land in the reject bin every time, here are some of the most common grant writing mistakes that you must avoid: Not Doing Your Leg Work All funding bodies have their own set of objectives and interests. No matter how great your project idea might be, if it does not fit within the funder’s interests or objectives, then you are really trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. In fact, chances are, your gran

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Everyone wants to believe that when they send a job application and resume to a prospective employer, someone on the receiving end painstakingly reviews the whole document.  After all, you spent hours and hours putting the job application together.  The reality to far different.  Chances are your job application and resume will only be given a cursory glance, so you need to make it count.  How do job application and resume writers produce a resume that stands out?   Job application writing  is difficult enough and so you want to ensure you get your resume right. Here are our top tips.