How to Miss Out on a Tender

When you’re a tender writer, you are competing against countless other tender writers and companies.  To be successful, you must stand out. Therefore, a tender writing application is your chance to show why your business can do the job better than your competitors, but many tender writers make the same easily-avoidable mistakes and have lost out because of them.  If you want to fail as a tender writer, then here is out step-by-step guide. 

Miss the Deadline

Make sure you submit your application a few days late.  After all, if you submit your tender writing application on time, then the reviewers might actually believe that you can complete a contract on time. 

Don’t Provide all Requested Documentation

Workplace Health and Safety Policies are overrated, right?  They’re not really interested in all that legal mumbo-jumbo, are they?  You bet the are!  So, if you want to miss out on a tender, make sure you DON’T provide requested documents when submitting your tender writing application. 

Fail to Show You Understand the Requirements

If you are a tender writer that believes in chance, then this one’s for you. Apply for tenders that you have almost no chance of winning.  Don’t research them, just take a stab in the dark. 

Fail to Differentiate Your Company

If you want to miss out on a tender, then don’t explain how your company is different from the rest, and how it provides greater value for money.   Just make it as generic as possible.  Heck, you might as well just photocopy your last tender writing application… you know, the one you missed out on last month. 

Fail to Provide Examples of Your Work

If you want to miss out on a tender then whatever you do, DO NOT provide specific examples of how you meet the selection criteria.  Simply state that you do.  Don’t highlight your credentials and provide verifiable experience with real-life examples in the tender writing process, and don’t explain how your approach to delivering the tender will meet the buyer's needs.

Include Plenty of Basic Errors

Make sure you present the submission poorly, in a style that is inconsistent with the funding provider’s expectations. Don’t bother editing or proofreading.  Make sure there are plenty of spelling and grammatical errors too.  This will ensure you miss out.

Let’s be honest.  No tender writer applies for a tender hoping to miss out.  Yet, tender writers so often make these basic mistakes when tender writing.  Whether you’re a veteran tender writer or new to the game, consider getting some professional tender writing help.  

Red Tape Busters are specialist in grant and tender writing and can help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders. Visit  for more information. We are specialists in providing the following services:

·         Lobbying;
·         Tender Writing;
·         Grant Writing;
·         Resumes/Job Applications;
·         Organisational/Business Development.

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