
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Qualities of a Good Grant Writer

There are certain qualities that all great grant writers have.   Sure, they must have excellent written commination skills but there are other characteristics of grant writers that help them to stand out from the rest.   Here are our seven qualities to look for in a grant writer .    

Job Application Writing – How to address selection criteria

Job application writing is often daunting and difficult. Not only do candidates need to find a job that suits their skills and qualifications they must also complete a myriad of forms through the application writing process including a resume and selection criteria. Employers are making a longer, longer list of demands for skills and knowledge and it is virtually impossible to fulfil all that is required. Selection criteria designed to assist employers find the ‘perfect’ candidate through the job application writing process often discourage people from applying at all because they feel they just don’t meet the high standards asked of them.

Grant Writing is Story-Telling

Grant Writers may feel that their grant applications must be matter-of-fact and straight-to-the-point.   However, when funding bodies receive hundreds of grant applications that are all pretty much the same, it makes for eye-wateringly boring reading.   To make your grant application stand out, it’s important to think of grant-writing as story-telling.   Think about it!   Who doesn’t like hearing stories? We all know the feeling of being unable to put down a good book.   Believe it or not though, all the elements of a good story are all present in a good grant-application. Let me explain.