
Showing posts from May, 2017

Grant Writing – What are the determining factors in applying for a grant?

There are many factors which determine if you should be applying for a grant and if your grant writer should spend time on crafting a great submission. Grant writing is far more than filling out an application and explaining why you need that funding. The outstanding grant writer will adopt a very strategic and thorough approach and will not just apply for everything on a whim. Following is a list of issues to consider when applying for grants. Organisational Eligibility All grants have eligibility criteria relating to the type of organisation Grants might be restricted to a business, an incorporated non profit, an organisation with DGR/PBI status for example. So before applying the grant writer will ensure that the organisation as an entity is eligible to apply for this grant.   Location Restrictions Grants at times can be only available to organisations within a set geographic location or a project being delivered within a specific geographic loc