Grant Writing – Case Study 6

This is Case Study 6 in our series of grant writing articles. In this instalment we will look at the Bulimba Bowls Club and their efforts to get major repairs to their roof funded. An inexperienced grant writer would try and find a funding program which will fund the entire repair works which was in the vicinity of $100k. At Red Tape Busters we realise that grant writing opportunities in the vicinity of $100k are few and far between. So our skilled grant writer set about identifying if we could break the project down into smaller sub projects and then find two or more grants that will be viable to fund the entire project over time.

In the first instance we asked the Club to work with their proposed roof repair contractor to see if the project could in fact be split into sub projects. The contractor agreed that we could split the project up into two smaller projects – and if funding was achieved the club could undertake the repairs in stages. First we identified a smaller program where we believed we were a good chance of winning $35k for the club and then another funding opportunity we believed was very viable to fund the rest. The strategy of our grant writer was to win the smaller funding first and this would demonstrate that the roof repair work was well underway and then apply for the larger funding. In this way we were chasing funding contributions from different programs thus splitting the request over more than one program and fund managers love seeing other programs contributing funding to a project so that there are co-contributions. Also one program was a State Government program and the other a local Council funding program and as such this was a perfect strategy given funding was being asked for from different levels of Government and again our grant writer correctly identified this would help in realising funding from both tiers of Government.

Our grant writer prepared the initial application for the $35k which was successful. They then prepared the second application and could show that the club already had $35k towards the project and that the project had actually commenced. This gave the Council fund manager confidence that the project could be completed in full. Our grant writer prepared another compelling case and as a result the remaining funding of around $50k was granted.

Grant writing for most organisations is an afterthought sadly. They place no emphasis on the process or the skills required. Grant writing is not a science but it is a skill that is very very hard to learn and for grant writers to realise that there is more to grant writing than just applying for the very first opportunity around or trying to fund larger projects via one funding opportunity. We try and maximise the chances of our clients and we are very very strategic in how we approach our task. Our results over 17 years prove we have the grant writing skills and the strategies needed to win our clients funding. 

Contact us at Red Tape Busters - should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.

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