
Showing posts from November, 2016

Grant Writing – Case Study 3

In our series of grant writing case studies – this is the third installment. Again in this article will showcase the skills of our grant writers and give readers tips on how to improve their grant writing chances.   We were approached in this instance by a club in a rural area affected by drought which was seeking funding to restump their community hall. The project was going to cost $50000 and the club needed assistance in finding appropriate funding programs which would fund a $50k project. At Red Tape Busters we are very strategic in our approach to the grant writing task. So initially we worked with the client on their project to identify if there was any way of breaking the project up into smaller components in case there were no $50k funding opportunities around given the higher the funding amount needed – the less funding opportunities that exist.  In working with the client we identified that there is not much scope to restump a hall in different stages given that t

Grant Writing – Do you need qualifications to be a great grant writer?

Many people think you need to be a qualified writer or have some formal qualifications to be a great grant writer. It is a common misnomer that many in the non profit world and especially micro non profits believe that they can’t compete with grant writers from larger organisations because the grant writers are more skilled, more experienced or have tertiary qualifications which will give them the edge in the grant writing process. I will give you a real life example of how this misnomer was reinforced to me as a total falsehood. This actually happened when I first started as a grant writer 16 years ago and it is something I am very proud of but also clearly proved to me that you don’t need a qualification to be a great grant writer.  I was contracted as a grant writer to a medium sized non profit organisation in the disability sector when I first started this business 16 years ago. The State Government had released funding for the purpose of building accommodation specifically f