
Showing posts from November, 2015

Grant Writing - Advice and Tips

Grant writing can be challenging even for the experienced grant writer. Every year thousands of grant opportunities open and close, resulting in millions and probably billions of dollars becoming available to non profit organisations and businesses across Australia. Competition for available grant money is immense and only the best submissions are successful in winning funding. There are many hints and tricks that can help give you an improved chance of success. Here are just a few:- Get your local politicians onside This is a forgotten strategy that most non profit organisations or businesses would rarely consider. But your local Councillor and local state and federal members of parliament move in powerful circles and a word of support to the right person could give your project an inside edge. I always suggest that my clients engage with their local politicians every say three months to update them on what the organisation/business is up to, how you are travelling and wha

Five Things to Consider Before Writing your Job Application

The experienced job application writer will consider many many issues before and during the job application writing process. Most job applicants however do not strategically plan their approach to applying for a job and lots adopt the scatter gun approach – shooting job applications off to any and every job. The smart applicant will not make this fatal error and will instead carefully consider each prospective job and only apply for the job that fits them perfectly and where their skills, experience, attitude etc fits the job perfectly. Before applying for any job here are my top 5 tips that you need to consider before putting pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard:- {1} Carefully and honestly consider your skills and abilities. Most people seriously overestimate their skills and abilities. Job applicants need to have confidence in their abilities but it is a total waste of time to overestimate what you are capable of or overplay what experience you have had in your past