
Showing posts from September, 2015

Tender Writing – The Top Three Qualities of an Effective Tender Writer

Tender writing can be a very challenging process but the effective tender writer will have a personality, a skill set and an approach that sets them apart from the run of the mill tender writer. I believe the really important qualities that a tender writer needs to possess are an ability to stay calm under pressure; an ability to org anise other people within the organisation and to organize resources, information and supporting documents or material and an ability to develop the strategy and approach that pitches the organisation in the right light to win the attention of those assessing the tender response. I will now discuss these qualities in further detail. Calm Under Pressure Tender writing can be a very pressurized situation. There are deadlines to meet. Responses need to be submitted by a specified time, in a specified format and in a specified way. Sometimes tenders need to be hand delivered, sometimes they need to be electronically submitted via a specified web porta

Grant Writing – The craft of grant writing

Grant writing is not just about the writing – grant writing is more about the preparation and the development of the strategy. People always ask me about the skills required to be a great grant writer. Everyone always thinks that you have to be someone with experience in writing – maybe someone who writes for a living or someone with a passion for reading/writing novels. To us at Red Tape Busters we focus more on being strategic and getting all our “ducks in a row”. To us the preparation and our strategic approach sets us apart from other grant writing businesses or other grant writers. Our team are all highly skilled writers but they didn't all start at Red Tape Busters with extensive writing experience. We can train and teach people how to improve their writing – it is far more difficult to teach potential Consultants or grant writers how to be strategic, how to prepare and in essence how to significantly improve the chances of success. You can write a great grant submi