Grant Writing – 2 Easy Steps to Towards Effective Grant Writing

Grant writing can seem to be a complex process and not something for the feint hear ted to take on. However as I always say it isn’t rocket science and there are some strategies you can put in place to ensure your grant submission stands out from the crowd. In this article I will discuss 4 easy steps to grant writing that will help you to win that much needed funding. 

 {1} Prepare
Preparation is the key. You need to prepare – develop your project concept to ensure it is findable is a key part of the preparation phase. Most organizations have a thought bubble that they need funding for project x – let’s say upgrading fields. So they decide the fields need to be upgraded – they probably haven’t sought feedback from members, players, stakeholders if this is THE most important project requiring funding. Someone on the committee just has a vision of new fields. Now mind you the fields might need to be improved but have they done the groundwork to ponder on exactly what projects in total they need funded, what projects are a priority that need funding urgently, what projects will realize the best outcome and bang for their buck for the club and also what projects might be likely to be the subjective of prospective funding down the track. 

Also have the Committee considered everything about that project – have they got for instance a project plan in place, chased up competitive quotes, arrived at the best design/technical specs for the field upgrade, does the project need Council approval etc etc. So before just having a thought bubble do all the ground work, the preparation work because you might realize that project is not important or that we can get the fields improved at a cheaper price via an alternate supplier or an alternate design . You need to identify all the projects your organization has that require funding and then put them in potential priority order, How can you apply for funding if you haven’t first decided on what projects in fact should be funded if funding is possible?

{2} Research

Research is vital to identify all funding opportunities open to your organization and to your project. You need to network with other organizations, keep your ear to the ground about what funding might be available now or into the future, read local and state papers because grants are regularly advertised through newspapers, canvass local/state/federal politicians and ask them for information and also ask them to put you on their databases, research local/state/federal Government websites and set up automatic alerts where the websites will send you an email about possible funding opportunities, access online databases where grant opportunities are recorded and implement any other strategies you can to find out what funding is available, when it is open and how much you can access. You really need to identify all prospects prior to even contemplating writing grant submissions.

There are two more vital steps in the Grant writing process and we will discuss these in an upcoming article. But if you prepare and undertake research this will improve your chances of success in winning grants and you haven’t even put pen to paper or fingers to a keyboard yet!

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