
How To Get Your Grant Writing Efforts Funded

  Red Tape Busters, a Grant Writing experts will work with you through all stages of the grant writing process, including grant research, grant preparation, grant submission, lobbying funding bodies on your behalf and managing awarded grants. We will even assist you to manage your project and acquit your funding! For more information, please visit -

How To Get Your Grant Writing Efforts Funded

With millions and millions of dollars in grant money available each year from the federal government alone, there are ample opportunities for those grant writers  looking to get their efforts funded. However, with so much competition, it can be difficult to know where to start with grant writing. Here are a few tips on how to get your grant writing efforts funded.   Why Grant Writing Is Important Grant writing  is important because it allows organizations to secure funding from donors. Grant writers are important because they help organizations write proposals that make the case for why their organization should receive funding. Organizations that engage in grant writing are more likely to be successful in securing funding from donors. This is because grant writers know how to craft proposals that articulate the need for funding and demonstrate how the organization will use the funds to make a positive impact. Without grant writing, many organizations would struggle to secure the neces

Strategies for Writing Winning Grants

  Red Tape Busters are a group of specialists who specialise in tender writing, grant writing, job applications and resumes, government and private sector lobbying, and business and strategic planning for individuals, businesses, and non-profit organisations all over Australia. For more information, please visit -

Strategies for Writing Winning Grants

  Writing a successful grant can be a difficult undertaking, especially if you are not an experienced grant writer. Whether you are just starting out or have been grant writing for years, you have no doubt read quite a few articles about how to be a successful grant writer. However, in this article, we’re going to look beyond the usual grant writing tips to some of the lesser-known strategies for elevating your grant writing levels beyond the norm.   When we consider that every grant application will have grant writers of varying experience levels all vying for the same funding, you will need a few winning strategies such as these up your sleeve to stand out from the crowd.   Research Beyond the Obvious Finding funding to support a project or organisation requires research and hard work, but it also takes creativity and dedication to stand out from other applicants. To increase their chances of success, grant writers should look beyond the obvious when researching potential

The Process of Writing the "Perfect" Grant Proposal

  Red Tape Busters – we are Grant Writing experts. We have a large team of experienced and specialised grant writers assisting businesses and non-profit organisations all over Australia. Contact Us Now for more information on how Red Tape Busters can help you! You can also visit on -

Resume Writing: Three Key Things to Get Right

  Red Tape Busters offers Job applications writer, resume writing and job application writing service. We can assist you to write and finetune your job application, resume writing, business supporting service. For more information, please visit -

The Process of Writing the "Perfect" Grant Proposal

Whilst there may be no singular ‘perfect’ grant proposal that works for every grant application, grant writers  can follow a set format which will ensure their grant writing is as close to perfect as possible.  Grant writing can feel overwhelming when you first start out.  However, once you have a strategy, plan, structure, and good organisation, it's possible to create strong, competitive proposals no matter what the grant is.   Here are the steps you can follow to create your "perfect" grant proposal:   Understand The Grant Requirements Before you start grant writing , it's important to thoroughly read and understand the grant guidelines and requirements. Pay close attention to the purpose of the grant, the eligibility criteria, deadlines and any specific guidelines for the proposal format and content. If you find any grey areas, then contact the grant officer to clarify whether your project will meet the brief for consideration. This will also enable you to ask any